Exciting 30 minute themed class followed by guided practice session.
See news for details of class themes. Rumbos is a space for you and your tango, where we can help you to put into practice what you learn in classes. No need to bring a partner.
All levels from beginners to advanced are welcome.
Tuition by Jenny & Ricardo (one of us will be there each session). Space to work on what you need to work on: Revise or ask for something new, work on technique or combinations.
Spring Term - 8th January-2nd April
SPECIAL OFFER ON COURSES - Get 10% of a second different course for one person* PLUS get a term of Monday Rumbos Classes free! That’s 3 for 2 plus a discount!
3 classes a week all term for only £228.
DROP-IN - 10 Class Pack: £105 | 6 Class Pack: 66 | Single Class £12
COURSE - 12 week course - £120 -
Students: 10 Class Pack: £84 | 6 Class Pack: £54 | Single Class £9.50 |. Course: £96
*Applies to full price course bookings. Second course must be a different course for the same person - not a booking for a partner on the same course. ie. it could be Tango Dynamics course and Intermediate Tango course, or Tango Basics, and Tango Dynamics., or Intermediate Tango and Development Class