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Pop-up Class - Re-Zooming and other news

Lots of news here!

In brief:

Pop up class on Colgadas this Wednesday

Re-Zoom? Tempted to try Tuesdays?

November Super Intensive Week

Monday Rumbos with NEW Themed classes and NEW times

Wednesday term starts on 18th September with new beginners course too.

Pop-up Class on Colgadas this Wednesday

Join us for a special class this Wednesday. 7pm-8pm at Pilrig Church Hall.

Shall we Re-Zoom?

November Super Intensive Week

Monday Rumbos Class & Practice

*Now in the main hall.

*Exciting themed class each week followed by practice session.

*New times - 7.45pm-9.45pm.

*See below for September themes

Wednesday Class term starts on 18th September including a course for new beginners!

Well done for making it to the end!

All information should be on the website

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries about any classes or events.

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